When I took a bold step
It all happened couple of months before my first marriage anniversary, I was working as a software engineer in a multinational company with good salary, caring husband and lovely family, my life was flowing as a calm river.
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One day my husband and myself went to our family doctor for a checkup and found that I am pregnant!!! my husband and myself became very happy and was waiting to go home and tell the good news to my parents and in-laws.
When I told the news, everyone was happy and conveyed their wishes. Days passed by, I become too busy at work, lots of stress, travel and sometime was too busy that I delayed my lunch and breakfast . Except those everything was fine and we started talking and thinking a lot about the baby.The excitement and anxiety increased day by day.
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On the first month scanning day, my husband and myself had some important meeting to attend but managed to get permission for few hours for the scan. My husband and myself was called in for the scanning in a very busy and famous hospital in my home town and we were so excited to wait for the doctor to come.
Doctor came and after initial formalities she started the scanning and my heart beat started raising on seeing the reaction from the doctor. Finally she expressed her grief and said it was a miscarriage. For a second I felt my heart beat had stopped and that day was one of the bad day I had in my life. Everyone was worried and I was unable to talk only tears rolled from my eyes. I felt my world is completely filled with sadness.
Image courtesy of [David Castillo Dominici] at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
After lots of thinking, we doubted that whatever happened is because of the stress,anxiety, travel related to my work and it all comes to a point that to have a baby quit the job or change the job and try again. When discussed, few of my well wishers said leaving a good job or changing the job is not a right decision and few said baby is important. My husband asked me to take the decision and he will support me to whatever I decide. I was so confused.
Within few days, I told my husband that I want to quit the job and he said if that is what you feel will work then I am with you. I quit the job and it was not easy to convince my manager and the company. When my well wishers asked about my decision I said, I have to take a bolder step for the betterment of my family and for myself, so I thought setting up the family is most important at this stage of my life than the job that is why I quit. It felt like I started a new life after that.
Image courtesy of nongpimmy at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Today, I am a happy mother of a beautiful daughter and I work from home on the job that I like. I must thank myself and my family for supporting me to take a bold step to start a new life. #StartANewLife :-)